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Navigation Tools

All flights start with flight planning and especially in the military planning takes up a significant portion of a pilot's time - that was no different in WW2. In order to recreate an immersive virtual flight experience that includes a propper planning phase, one needs several tools in order to come up with a flight plan to execute during the flight.

Everything starts with a map (the background, #1 in the picture below), usually an aeronautical chart or other topographic/military map that allows accurate measurment of azimuths/bearings as well as distances. You get the most precises measurements for your flights if you use the in-game maps that come with your flight simulator of choice but for the big three MSFS/DCS/IL2 you can use real-world maps and get good-enough measurements to actually arrive on target!

Azimuths and distances are measured on the map using an aviation plotter (#2 in the picture) that is aligned with the planned course to read the distance and when aligned with one of the North-South meridians on the map it is possible to read the direction of the true course from the protractor part of the plotter. The plotter in the picture below is placed at such a position, if you look closely you can read the number "330" on the meridian there: true course is 330° (The number 150 is in this position as well as it is the reziprocal heading of 330°, so beware which direction you are reading and flying!).

Pencil and eraser (#3) are always useful to plot your course on the map (#4) with the plotter. Not much to explain there.

Basic layout and tools on a navigator's desk: 1 - Aeronautical or Military Map, 2 - Aviation Plotter, 3 - pen and eraser, 4 - drawn flight route, 5 - mechanical flight computer, 6 - notebook with calculations, 7 - weather briefing, 8 - info on magnetic variation, 9 - flight plan.

All measurements and other data needed for flight planning are used to calculate important numbers like True Airspeed (TAS), Wind-Correction Angle (WCA), Ground Speed (GS), Flight Time (TIME) and Magnetic/Compass Heading (mHDG). The pilots in WW2 had a model called "the E6B" and you can still find and purchase one today. In fact, even in modern days, all general aviation, commercial and military pilots learn to use such a mechanical computer and carry one with them on their flights - no dying batteries on that computer! In the picture above you find the flight computer at #5. You can use such a mechanical computer on your flight-sim desk at home to make calculations or unit conversions, or you use an online verson or the one provided with the Dead-Reckoning Suite, your choice!

All important data and calculations are done on a notepad (#6) shows all data relevant to set up a proper dead-reckoning flight. Keep in mind that the big three simulators MSFS/DCS/IL2 are programmed with such a realistic world that all factors like temperature, flight altitude, wind direction and wind speed as well as magnetic variation of the earths magnetic field have to be considered in order to fly in the right direction and arrive on time on target. No shortcuts here!
You get important information like the weather with temperature, wind directions and wind speeds from the mission briefing section in your flight simulator. The example weather briefing in #7 above shows the temperature and wind information for a mission flown in Combat Flight Simulator: DCS World. The in-game map often also provides information on the magnetic variation, that is the difference between true North and magnetic North for the region and the year you are flying in (yes, it changes over the years). If you are flying in a year close to our time around 2025, you can easily look this up on the internet (e.g. On the map above, there is a compass rose with magnetic variation (at #8) given for the year 1934 which was still valid and usable during the entire WW2. Look this up, you will need it! Check out this page on the Magnetic Variation to learn more about this.

After completing all necessary calculations and unit conversions you get the flight plan (# 9) that you use and consult regularly during the flight. It contains all necessary data in case one has to do troubleshooting during flight, that is change and adapt the flight plan due to mishaps or changes of plan, e.g. getting lost, dogfights etc. The most important information is in the three left columns: IAS - the indicated airspeed as read from the gauge in the cockpit (mph, knots or km/h). Try to stay as close as possible to this exact speed during the flight; FLIGHT TIME - the time after which you should arrive on the next waypoint (San Jorge Island in this case) if you were able to keep IAS constant (at 200 mph in our case), and HDG° MAG - the magnetic or compass heading, that is of course the direction you read from the compass during flight. Next to IAS, try to keep the heading as close as possible to this number during the entire flight - 324° Of course, you also need to stay at 10,000 feet altitude during the flight - at other altitudes your airspeed and ground speed would change as well, affecting wind correction and mess up your whole flight plan.
So, keep your eyes closely fixed on the left three columns and correct your speed, heading and altitude continuously and you will be surprised how close your end up at the targeted location after the calculated flight time has run up. The method is quite robust if the weather data was good and your calculations done right.

A flight plan for a dead-reckoning flight. The important numbers are the three left columns: IAS - indicated airspeed, FLIGHT TIME and HDG° MAG, the magnetic/compass heading. Also, stay at the given altitude, 10,000 feet in this case.