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The Dead-Reckoning Suite — How to get started

The Dead-Reckoning Suite (link) is a freeware program for PC to plan a virtual flight on your favorite flight simulation program like the pilots did in the 1940s. On this page you find information on how to get started with using it.

By clicking on the "Help" button on the calculations board you can activate the tooltips. Hover over them with the mouse to open the help text for them. Clicking "Help" again, deactivates the help function.

The activated help function in action. Moving the mouse over the yellow numbers activates the help text.

(1) The Aeronautical Chart/Map displays the region of interest on a map. You can pan/move the map and zoom in and out.

Help text for the map and the Plotter.

(2) The aviation plotter can be moved and tilted.

(3) The blue pencil can be used to draw the flight path on the map. (4) The eraser can be used to reset the entire map view.

Align the ruler part of the plotter with the flight path to measure the flight distance in nautical miles (nm). Tilt the plotter to measure the flight course with the protractor part of the plotter.

Blue flight path with aligned aviation plotter to measure flight distance: 100 nautical miles.

Move the aligned plotter to a map meridian to read the flight course - the planned flight path.

Plotter parallel with flight path and aligned with meridian to read the flight course: 31°

Be advised, the aviation plotter in the Dead-Reckoning Suite works quite well, but for most precise measurements, use the map functions in your flight simulator, respectively. They are always optimized to give the best results.

(5) Use the Flight Computer to calculate flight time based on known ground speed and distance in nautical miles. In the example below, the ground speed of 190 knots and a distance of 100 nautical miles needs 30 min and 20 seconds flight time.

Help text for the flight computer. [LAlt]+[Arrowkeys] alone turn the dial faster [LCtrl]+[LAlt]+[Arrowkeys] turns the dial slower/finer.
Example showing a set flight computer for 190 knots ground speed, a distance of 100 nautical miles (read "10" as 100 here) and flight time of 30 min and 20 seconds. If you read distance as 10 nautical miles, flight time would be read as 3 minutes and 20 seconds.

(6) The calculation board is the core feature of the Dead-Reckoning Suite actually. Enter all necessary numbers here to fill out the flight plan.

The fields of the calculation board. Blue arrows designate buttons for calculations. Red arrows designate numbers field that can be filled in manually or are the result of button calculations.
Help texts for the calculation board, weather information and magnetic variaton.

(9) The flight plan is the result of the calculations done on the calculations board. Use the left-most three columns during the flight and stay at the planned altitude for most precise navigation! Make a screenshot of the flight plan to add to your mission plan and repeat the process with the calculations board calculations and flight plan for each flight leg.

The Flight Plan. Try as much as possible to stay within the circled parameters during the flight: IAS at 200 mph on the dial in the cockpit, on the compass 024° and at 10000 feet altitude. After 26 min and 42 seconds you should be above the target!
The help text for the flight plan.